Powered By : Event Main Financial Supporter (INR 5,00,000 )
10 meter x 10 meter exhibit space and banner of sponsored company during the conference
Speaking opportunity at one of the following sessions: Keynote.
6 Complementary full conference registrations.
Program Item for inclusion in conference kit bag.
Name of Financial Supporter Company will be displayed on the conference web site.
Presented By : Co Sponsor (INR 3,00,000 )
6 meter x 6 meter exhibit space and banner of sponsored company during the conference
Speaking opportunity at one of the following sessions: Keynote.
4 Complementary full conference registrations.
Program Item for inclusion in conference kit bag
Name of Financial Supporter Company will be displayed on the conference web site.
Diamond (INR 2,00,000 )
4 meter x 6 meter exhibit space and banner of sponsored company during the conference
Speaking opportunity at one of the following sessions: Keynote.
3 Complementary full conference registrations.
Program Item for inclusion in conference kit bag.
Name of Financial Supporter Company will be displayed on the conference web site.
Platinum (INR 1,00,000 )
3 meter x 6 meter exhibit space and banner of sponsored company during the conference.
4 Complementary full conference registrations.
Program Item for inclusion in conference kit bag.
Name of Financial Supporter Company will be displayed on the conference web site.
Gold (INR 50,000 )
3 meter x 6 meter exhibit space and banner of sponsored company during the conference
Program Item for inclusion in conference kit bag.
Name of Financial Supporter Company will be displayed on the conference web site.
Silver (INR 25,000 )
Program Item for inclusion in conference kit bag.
Name of Financial Supporter Company will be displayed on the conference web site.